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[퍼온글] 어원정리1000 - (001)

최종 어원정리 1000

1 abate줄다(dwindle, curtail, wane, diminish, abridge, abbreviate)
2 abdicate
포기하다(cede, resign, forgo, yield)
3 abhor
싫어하다(detest, loathe, abominate)
4 abolish
취소하다(eradicate, obliterate, abrogate)
5 absolve
용서하다(acquit, exculpate, pardon)
6 abstain
삼가다(desist, eschew, hold back)
7 abstract
추상적인(theoretic, hypothetical)
8 accede
동의하다(accord, acquiesce)
9 accessible
접근하기 쉬운(available, handy)
10 acclaim
갈채(환호,칭찬)하다(hail, laud)
11 accommodate~
편의를 도모하다(adjust, furnish)
12 acidulous
조금 신맛의(acid)
13 acknowledge
인정하다(allow, assent, accept)
14 acrimonious
매서운(stinging, caustic, bitter)
15 acuity
명민,예민(keenness, perceptivity, acuteness)
16 addiction
몰두(enthrallment, obsession)
17 adhere
고수하다( glue, attach, cohere, cling)
18 admonish
경고하다(advise, counsel, censure)
19 adroit
능숙한(dexterous, adept, deft, expert, facile)
20 adulterate~
질을 나쁘게 하다(contaminate)
21 adversary
(antagonist, foe, competitor, rival)
22 advocate
옹호하다(espouse, further)
23 aesthetic
미학의(appreciative of beauty)
24 affable
상냥한(congenial, amiable)
25 affiliation
가입(union, relationship, alliance)
26 affirmation
단언(consent, endorsement)
27 affluence
풍부(well ­being, prosperity, opulence)
28 aggrandize
크게 하다(exaggerate, enlarge, expand)
29 aggregate
총계의(assembled, collected, clustered)
30 agrarian
토지의(agricultural, agronomical)
31 alienate
멀리하다(estrange, set against)
32 allege
단언하다(affirm, avow, contend, declare)
33 alleviate
경감하다(placate, abate, appease)
34 allocate
할당하다(allot, appoint)
35 allude
언급하다(remark, designate, suggest)
36 allure
꾀다(tempt, bait, seduce, captivate)
37 altercation
언쟁(contention, argument)
38 altruistic
이타적인(unselfishly, generous)
39 amalgamate
합병하다(merge, fuse, blend)
40 amass
모으다(hoard, accumulate, compile, garner)
41 ambiguous
애매한(equivocal, vague)
42 ameliorate
개선하다(amend, advance)
43 amend
개정하다(enhance, rectify, mend)
44 amicable
우호적인(amiable , favorable, benevolent)
45 amiss
잘못한(faulty, awry, askew, improper)
46 amity
친목(friendship, cordiality, fraternity)
47 amnesia
48 amnesty
용서(exemption, immunity, indemnity)
49 amorphous
무정형의(vague, obscure)
50 amphibian
양서류의, 수륙 양용의
51 amplify
확대하다(enlarge, expand, exaggerate)
52 amputate
절단하다(sever, excise, dissever)
53 anachronism
시대착오(misdating, has­-been)
54 analogous
55 anarchy
무정부상태(chaos, confusion)
56 animadversion
비평(aspersion, reprobation)
57 animated
생기 있는(energetic, motivated, vigorous)
58 animosity
증오(antagonism, malice, enmity)
59 annihilate
전멸시키다(eradicate, decimate)
60 annul
무효로 하다(nullify, repeal, revoke, negate)
61 anomalous
변칙의(eccentric, peculiar, atypical)
62 anonymity
익명(alias, pseudonym, pen name)
63 antagonistic
반대하는(counter, adverse, negative)
64 antecede~
65 antediluvian
태고적의 (obsolete, archaic, antique)
66 anthropologist
인류학자(sociologist(of man))
67 antipathy
반감(repulsion, loathing, enmity)
68 antiquated
낡아빠진(outmoded, archaic)
69 apathy
70 appease
달래다(mollify, relieve, alleviate, mitigate)
71 append
걸다(affix, subjoin, take on, add)
72 apposite
적당한(apt, applicable, pertinent, relevant)
73 appraise
평가하다(evaluate, assess, judge, inspect)
74 appreciate
감사하다, 가치를 인정하다(esteem)
75 apprehend
체포하다, 염려(이해)하다(capture)
76 apprise~
에게 통고하다(acquaint, advertise)
77 aptitude
적절함(faculty, gift, genius, facility)
78 arbitrary
임의의,변덕의(capricious, whimsical)
79 arcane
비밀의(occult, covert, furtive, esoteric)
80 archaeology
고고학(study of artifacts and relics)
81 archaic
고풍의(ancient, obsolescent, out­of­date)
82 ardor
열정(vehemence, enthusiasm, fervor, zeal)
83 arid
건조한(barren, dry)
84 aromatic
향기로운(redolent, odoriferous)
85 array
배열하다(deploy, align, range)
86 arrogance
거만(contempt, vanity, insolence)
87 artifice
책략(chicanery, intrigue, tactic, craftiness)
88 ascribe~
돌리다(impute, attribute)
89 asperity
신랄한(acerbity, acrimony, bitterness)
90 aspiration
열망(object, endeavor, intention)
91 assail
공격하다(inculpate, assault, incriminate)
92 assiduous
근면한(persevering, sedulous)
93 assimilate
동화하다(take in, metabolize, integrate)
94 assuage
진정시키다(ease, lessen pain, moderate)
95 astronomical
천문학적으로 (colossal, titanic, mammoth)
96 astute
기민(똑똑)(shrewd, sagacious, judicious)
97 atheistic
무신론자의(denying God, impious)
98 atone for
보상하다(make amends for, pay for)
99 attenuate
얇게 하다(diminish, dilute)
100 attest~
증명하다(guarantee, assert, affirm)
101 attrition
마멸(abrasion, erosion, friction, scraping)
102 atypical
무정형한(aberrant, peculiar, eccentric)
103 audacious
대담한(daring, bold)
104 augment
늘리다(heighten, intensify, make larger)
105 auspicious
길조의(fortunate, favorable)
106 austere
엄격한(rigid, abstemious, rigorous, strict)
107 authoritarian
권위주의의(dogmatic, dictatorial)
108 autocrat
독재자(despot, tyrant)
109 auxiliary
보조의(ancillary, subordinate)
110 avarice
탐욕(voracity, avidity, covetousness)
111 aver
확언하다(avouch, affirm, allege, peddle)
112 aversion
혐오(reluctance, antipathy, disinclination)
113 avert
돌리다(forestall, prevent, turn away)
114 avocation
부업(by job, sideline, diversion)
115 baffle
좌절시키다(disappoint, confuse, befuddle)
116 banal
평범한(insipid, pedestrian, trite)
117 barefaced
뻔뻔스러운(impudent, insolent, pert)
118 beguile~
현혹시키다(lull, enchant, trick, dupe)
119 belated
뒤늦은(tardy, overdue, deferred)
120 belittle
얕보다(undervalue, disdain, decry)
121 belligerent
싸움의(bellicose, warlike, hostile, antagonistic)
122 benefactor
자선을 베푸는 사람(sponsor, donor)
123 beneficent
선행을 하는(philanthropic, indulgent)
124 benevolent
자비심 많은(forgiving, indulgent)
125 benign
자비로운(kind­hearted, auspicious)
126 beset
포위하다(beleaguer, besiege, hound, assail)
127 bizarre
기괴한(grotesque, queer, eccentric)
128 bland
온화한(moderate, suave, tranquil)
129 blasphemous
불경한(sacrilegious, irreverent)
130 bleak
황폐한(gloomy, hopeless, chill, icy)
131 blithe
즐거운(mirthful, cheerful)
132 blunder
실수(impropriety bungle)
133 bode
예감하다(foretell, prophesy, herald)
134 bogus
위조의(pseudo, spurious, forged)
135 bombastic
과장된(boastful, inflated, wordy)
136 bountiful
자비로운(generous, showing bounty)
137 brazen
뻔뻔스러운(impudent, audacious)
138 brevity
간결성(transience, ephemerally)
139 brittle
깨지기 쉬운(fragile, frangible)
140 brook~
견디다(bear, put up with, stand)
141 bucolic
목가적인(provincial, Arcadian)
142 burgeon
새싹이 나다(blossom, shoot up)
143 buxom
토실토실하고 예쁜(plump, bosomy)
144 cache
은닉장소(hide­out, covert, hoard, stock)
145 cacophony
불협화음(dissonance, discordance)
146 calamity
재앙(catastrophe, tragedy, cataclysm)
147 callous
굳어진(apathetic, heartless)
148 callow
미숙한(raw, young, untried, inexperienced)
149 capacious
많이 들어가는(voluminous, roomy)
150 capitulate
항복하다(cry quits, say uncle)
151 capricious
변덕스러운(erratic, whimsical)
152 captious
책망하는(quibbling, picayune, carping ,calumny)
153 carcinogenic(
병리) 발암성의(cancer forming)
154 carnal
세속의(libidinous, lascivious, sensual)
155 carnivorous
육식성의(predatory, fresh eating)
156 cascade
작은 폭포(waterfall, cataract, falls)
157 catastrophe
재해(havoc, disaster, devastation)
158 catholic
159 censorious
지나치게 비판적인(hypercritical, carping)
160 censure
비난, 불신임의 표명(condemn, denounce)
161 champion
옹호하다(espouse, advocate, uphold)
162 chaotic
대혼란의(confused, muddled, disarranged)
163 chaste
정숙한(virginal, decent, elegant)
164 chasten
인간을 바로잡기 위하여 징벌하다(discipline)
165 check~
급히 멈추다(stop, stem, curb, halt)
166 chide
꾸짓다 (admonish, upbraid, slam)
167 circuitous
우회하는(indirect, tortuous, winding)
168 circumlocution
넌지시 말함(verbiage, digression)
169 circumscribe
제한하다(restrain, constrict, bound)
170 circumspect
조심성 있는(judicious, considerate)
171 circumvent
속이다(dodge, evade)
172 clairvoyant
투시력 있는(intuitive, prophetic)
173 clamor
외침소리(yell, bellow, din, blast)
174 clandestine
비밀의(covert, surreptitious, furtive)
175 claustrophobia
밀실공포증(fear of being locked in)
176 cleave~
쪼개다(bisect, halve, cleave, sever, rip)
177 coalesce
하나로 합치다(integrate, merge)
178 coercion
강제(compulsion, constraint, pressure)
179 coeval
같은 시대의(contemporary, concurrent)
180 cogent
남을 승복시키는(trenchant, convincing)
181 cogitate
심사 숙고하다(deliberate, mull over, muse)
182 cognitive
인식의(perceptive, intelligent)
183 coincident
일치하는(synchronous, concurrent)
184 collaborate
협력하다(team up)
185 collusion
186 colossal
거대한(vast, titanic, gigantic)
187 comatose
멍한(drugged, slumberous, stupor us)
188 comely
189 commodious
넓고 편리한(unconvincing)
190 compact
계약(bargain, covenant, pact)
191 compact
빽빽한(dense, concentrated)
192 compatible
193 compelling
강제적인(overwhelming, cogent)
194 compensatory
보상의(offsetting, indemnifying)
195 complement
보충하다(round out)
196 compliance
응낙(acquiescence, resignation)
197 compliant
순종하는(obedient, pliant)
198 compound
혼합의(blend, mingle, alloy, incorporate)
199 comprehensive
범위가 넓은(overall, extensive)
200 compress
압축하다(cram, pack, condense)
201 comprise~
포함하다(compose, constitute)
202 compromise~
타협하여 해결하다
203 concede
인정하다(acknowledge, vouchsafe)
204 conception
개념, 임신
205 concession
양보(admission, acquiescence)
206 conciliatory
달래는(placatory, mollifying)
207 concise
간결한(condensed, terse, succinct)
208 conclusive
확정적인(definite, absolute)
209 concoct~
뒤섞어서 만들다(mix, cook up, brew)
210 condign
적절한(due, proper, correct)
211 condiments
조미료(relish, herb, seasoning)
212 condone
눈감아주다(ignore, permit, pardon)
213 conducive
도움이 되는(instrumental)
214 congruence
일치(accord, harmony, unanimity)
215 conjecture
추측(guesswork, assumption)
216 connivance
묵인(acquiescence, consent)
217 connubial
결혼의(marital, conjugal, nuptial)
218 consecrate
바치다(hallow, bless, sacred)
219 consequential
거드름을 피우는(ostentatious)
220 consign
위탁하다(hand over, transfer, entrust)
221 console
위로하다(condole, soothe, clam, cheer)
222 consonance
조화(correspondence, coherence)
223 constraint
속박(restraint, coercion)
224 contagion
감염(outbreak, communication)
225 contaminate
오염시키다(adulterate, corrupt)
226 contempt
경멸(derision, ridicule, humiliation)
227 contend
228 contiguous
229 contraband
밀수(smuggled goods, bootlegging)
230 contravene~
반대하다(gainsay, disown)
231 contrite
뉘우치는(apologetic, chastened, repentant)
232 controvert
부인하다(disaffirm, refute, confute)
233 convene
집합하다(muster, convoke, summon)
234 conventional
전통적인(traditional, customary)
235 converge~
집중하다(focus, concentrate)
236 conversant
정통한(versed, erudite, tutored)
237 converse
반대(reverse, inverse, antithesis)
238 convert
개종자(renegade, turncoat, apostate)
239 conviction
신념(creed, dogma, certitude)
240 copious
많은(bountiful, ample, profuse)
241 cordial
진심의(genial, affectionate, sincere)
242 corpulent
뚱뚱한(stout, obese, plump, buxom, fat)
243 correlation
244 corroborate~
확증하다(verify, uphold, sustain)
245 corrosive
부식성의(erodent, corrodible)
246 cosmetic
겉치레의(shallow, superficies, showy)
247 countermand
철회하다(repeal, thwart, annul)
248 counterpart
상대 (correlative, parallel, mate)
249 covert
덮여 숨긴(clandestine, furtive, esoteric)
250 covetous
턱없이 탐내는(greedy, rapacious)
251 cozen~
속이다(hoax, dupe, fleece, defraud)
252 craven
많은(pusillanimous, dastardly, timid)
253 credence
믿음(credibility, reliance, faith)
254 credulity
너무 쉽게 믿는 성질(trustfulness)
255 crestfallen
풀이 죽은(disappointed, downhearted)
256 crevice
갈라진 (cleft, gap, gulf, breach, rift)
257 cryptic
비밀의(obscure, mystical, occult, esoteric)
258 cull
골라내다(separate, extract, single out, sift)
259 culmination
최고점(pinnacle, peak, height, zenith)
260 culpable
비난받아 마땅한(blameworthy)
261 cumbersome
다투기 어려운(ponderous, clumsy)
262 cumulative
점증적인(accumulative, aggregate)
263 cynical
냉소적인(sardonic, sneering, scornful)
264 daunt~
위압하다(awe, faze, depress, cow)
265 dawdle
빈둥빈둥 보내다(linger, procrastinate)
266 deadlock
막다른 상태(halt, impasse, standoff, cul-de-sac)
267 dearth
결핍(shortage, paucity, rareness)
268 debacle
와해(crash, devastation, collapse)
269 debilitate
약하게 하다(enervate, undermine)
270 decadence
쇠퇴(deterioration, degeneration)
271 decelerate
감속하다(slow, brake)
272 decipher
암호문 따위를 해독하다(decode)
273 declivity
하향경사(descent, downhill, fall)
274 decomposition
분해(decay, disintegration, rot)
275 decrepitude
노쇠(infirmity, debility, feebleness)
276 decry
헐뜯다(censure, condemn, depreciate)
277 deface
표면을 더럽히다(defile ,disfeature, damage)
278 default
불이행(delinquency, nonobservance)
279 deference
복종(homage, submission, obeisance)
280 definitive
결정적인(concluding, terminal)
281 deflect~
비끼게 하다(curve, avert, divert, veer)
282 defunct
죽은(deceased, extinct)
283 degenerate
퇴화하다(decline, retrograde)
284 degraded
지위가 강등된(demoted)
285 delete
삭제하다(black out, efface)
286 deleterious
해로운(injurious, damaging, nocuous)
287 deliberate
심사 숙고하다(ruminate, meditate)
288 deluge
대홍수(inundation, torrent)
289 delusion
현혹(deception, phantasm)
290 demented
실성한(lunatic, crazy, deranged)
291 demise
서거(dying, decease, collapse)
292 demolition
파괴(dismantlement, ruin)
293 denizen
주민(dweller, resident, wanderer)
294 denounce
비난하다(vilify, inform against)
295 deplete~
감소시키다(consume, exhaust)
296 deplore~
한탄하고 슬퍼하다(grieve for, lament)
297 deploy
전개하다(allocate, diverge, spread)
298 depose~
면직하다(oust, unseat, dis-crown)
299 depredation
약탈(sacking, pillage, freebooting)
300 depreciate
가치를 감하다(cheapen, deprecate)
301 deride~
비웃다(disdain, flout, mock)
302 dermatologist
303 derogatory(
말이) 경멸적인(defamatory, slanderous)
304 desecrate~
신성을 모독하다(unhallowed, defile)
305 despicable
경멸할 만한(detestable, vile, mean)
306 despoil
약탈하다(rob, depredate, ravage, pillage)
307 despondent
낙담한(downcast, downhearted)
308 despotism
독재(absolutism, oppression, fascism)
309 destitute
극빈 (indigent, penniless, needy)
310 determinate
확정된(definite, limited, fixed)
311 detraction
비난(harm, calumny, libel)
312 deviate
벗어나다(stray, turn aside, swerve, veer)
313 devoid~
빠진(wanting, barren, destitute)
314 devout
독실한(observant, worshipful, zealous)
315 dexterous
손재주가 있는(nimble, agile, ingenious)
316 dichotomy
양분(bisection, duality, halving)
317 diffidence
수줍음(timidity, meekness, reserve)
318 diffusion
살포(dispersal, scattering, verbosity)
319 digression
본론을 벗어남(divergence, deviation)
320 dilapidated
낡아빠진(shabby, broken-down)
321 dilate~
크게 넓히다(extend, swell, explicate)
322 dilatory
꾸물거리는(dawdling, indolent, slow)
323 dilemma
진퇴양난(plight, bind, quandary)
324 dilute~
묽게 하다(water down, thin out)
325 disclose~
폭로하다(divulge, leak, broadcast)
326 discordant
일치하지 않는(disagreeing)
327 discrepancy
불일치(inconsistency, variance)
328 discrimination
구별(discretion, discernment)
329 disdain
경멸하다(snub, reject, deride, scorn)
330 dishearten
낙심시키다(deject, demoralize)
331 disinclination
마음이 내키지 않음(reluctance)
332 disinter
파내다(exhume, unearth, excavate)
333 disinterested
공평한(neutral, dispassionate)
334 disjointed
해체된(dislocated, separated)
335 dismiss
해산(제거)시키다(refuse, reject, release)
336 disparate
이종의(distinct, divergent)
337 dispassionate
냉정한(fair, unprejudiced)
338 dispel~
쫓아버리다(diffuse, repel, rout)
339 disperse~
흩어지게 하다(dissipate, disband)
340 dispirited
기력을 잃은(dejected, disheartened)
341 disputatious
논쟁적인(contentious, quarrelsome)
342 dissection
절개(breakup, analysis, criticism)
343 disseminate
살포하다(disperse, plant, diffuse)
344 dissident
의견을 달리하는(heretical, nonconformist)
345 dissimulate
숨기다(dissemble, feign, conceal)
346 dissipate
흩어지게 하다(scatter, dispel, disperse)
347 dissolution
분해(disconnection, detachment)
348 dissonance
부조화음(cacophony, inharmoniousness)
349 dissuade
그만두게 하다(deter, bar, ban)
350 distant
소원한(far-off, remote, detached, cool)
351 distend~
넓히다(be elastic, billow, swell)
352 distortion
일그러진 상태(blemish, contortion)
353 diverge
벗어나다(deviate, swerve)
354 diverse
가지가지의(disparate, various, varied)
355 divine
점치다(foresee, anticipate, apprehend)
356 divulge
누설하다(indicate, make public, give out)
357 docile
가르치기 쉬운(manageable, tractable)
358 dogmatic
독단적인(doctrinal, obstinate)
359 dolorous
슬픔에 가득한(unpleasant, doleful)
360 domicile
주소(abode, habitation, dwelling)
361 dormant
잠자는(somnolent, soporific, inert)
362 dotage
망령(senility, old age, feeblemindedness)
363 downcast
의기소침한(blue, depressed, sunk)
364 dubious
의심스러운(deceptive, dishonest)
365 duplicity
겉과 속이 다름(deceit, duality)
366 dynamic
역동적인(energetic, vital, enterprising)
367 dyspeptic
소화불량의(bad-tempered, irritable)
368 earthy
저속한(vulgar, worldly, primitive, mundane)
369 ebb
줄다(decay, decline, abate, subside)
370 eccentric
기이한(peculiar, bizarre, queer, odd)
371 edify
교화하다(enlighten, indoctrinate, inculcate)
372 efface
지우다(obliterate, expunge, erase, blot out)
373 effectual
효과적인(operative, practical, influential)
374 effusion
방출(pour, stream, spate)
375 egregious
지독한(excessive, outright, intolerable)
376 egress
출구(exodus, emergence)
377 eloquence
달변(oratory, fluency)
378 elucidate
해명하다(expound, spell out, illustrate)
379 elusive
파악하기 어려운(elusory, evasive ,intangible)
380 emaciated
초췌한(cadaverous, skeletal, peaked)
381 emancipate
해방시키다(liberate, release, manumit)
382 embark
종사(착수)하다(start, commence, undertake)
383 embellish
장식하다(garnish, ornament)
384 embroil
혼란 시키다(upset, tangle)
385 eminent
고결한(authoritative, exalted, prominent)
386 emissary
특사(delegate, ambassador, envoy)
387 empirical
경험적인(experimental, practical)
388 enamored
매혹된(charmed, fascinated, enchanted)
389 encompass
포위하다(circle, besiege, enclose)
390 encumber
귀찮게 하다(hinder, load, weight)
391 endemic
고유한(native, local, indigenous)
392 endorse
승인하다(set the seal on, uphold)
393 enduring
인내심이 강한(durable, permanent, stable)
394 energize
활기를 불어넣다(vivify, electrify, active)
395 enervate
무기력하게 하다(attenuate, debilitate)
396 engender
일으키다(generate, create, provoke)
397 engross~
모조리 쏟게 하다(engage, immerse)
398 enhance
늘리다(intensify, heighten, magnify)
399 enigmatic
수수께끼 같은(ambiguous, bewildering)
400 ennui
지루함(languor, tedium, lassitude)
401 entity
실체(existence, substance)
402 entreat~
에게 간청하다(beseech, implore, appeal)
403 ephemeral
단명한, 일시적인(transient, temporary)
404 epicure
미식가(gourmet, gourmand, gastronome)
405 epilogue
끝맺음(finale, conclusion)
406 epoch
시대(period, term)
407 equable
변화가 없는(calm, serene, unexcitable)
408 equivocal
분명하지 않은(obscure, imprecise)
409 erratic
별난(inconsistent, changeable, shifting)
410 erudite
학식이 있는(well educated, literate)
411 eschew
피하다(forgo, shun, evade, elude)
412 espouse
채택(지지)하다(back, embrace, take up)
413 estranged
남의 사이를 이간하는(dissociated)
414 eulogy
찬사(tribute, glorification)
415 euphemism
넌지시 둘러 말하는 표현, 완곡어귀
416 euthanasia
안락사(natural death)
417 evince
분명히 나타나다(manifest, reveal)
418 exasperate
노하게 하다(annoy, nettle, irritate)
419 exculpate
죄를 벗겨주다(acquit, justify)
420 exhort
권유하다(admonish, importune)
421 exhume
발굴하다(disinter, turn up)
422 expedient
형편이 좋은(opportune, seasonable)
423 explicate
설명하다(explain, construe)
424 exploit
위업(achievement, accomplishment, feat)
425 expunge
지우다(strike out, delete, obliterate)
426 extirpate
뿌리째 뽑다(annihilate, destroy, excise)
427 extricate
해방시키다(clear away, loose, rescue)
428 facetious
농담의(witty, humorous, funny)
429 facile
쉬운, 재주 있는(skillful, adroit, handy, fluent)
430 facilitate
용이하게 하다(aid, assist, help)
431 fallacious
그릇된(illogical, erroneous)
432 fastidious
까다로운(dainty, finicky, particular)
433 fathom
헤아리다(penetrate, figure out, cogitate)
434 feasible
실행할 있는
435 fecundity
비옥(prolificacy, productivity)
436 filch
훔치다(thieve, purloin, pinch, pilfer)
437 fledgling
풋내기(untried, beginning, minor)
438 fleece
속여 빼앗다(pillage, loot, mug, mulct)
439 flourish
번영하다(thrive, turn out well)
440 foible
약점(defect, flaw, loophole)
441 forestall
앞서서 막다(thwart, block)
442 forgo
그만두다(relinquish, surrender, yield)
443 formidable
무서운(dreadful, fearful, terrible)
444 fortuitous
우연적인(casual, unpredictable)
445 frailty
446 frantic
광란의(furious, excited, mad, frenzied)
447 frivolity
경박함(levity, triviality, wantonness)
448 furtive
은밀한(covert, under-the-table)
449 gainsay
부인하다(contradict, rebut)
450 galvanize
활기를 띄게 하다(electrify, energize)
451 garner
비축하다(deposit, lay up, stock up)
452 garnish
장식하다(embellish, comment, atom, deck)
453 garrulity
수다(loquacity, verboseness, wordiness)
454 garrulous
많은(prattling, talkative, chatty)
455 germane
적절한(related, relevant, applicable)
456 germinate
발아하다(burgeon, bloom, blossom)
457 gist
본질(substance, sum, content, core)
458 glut
실컷 먹이다(stuff, gorge, satiate, sate)
459 glutinous
접착성의(adhesive, gluey, viscid)
460 glutton
대식가(gorger, stuffer, voracious eater)
461 gourmet
식도락가(connoisseur, gastronomist)
462 gullible
쉽게 속는(unsuspicious, credulous)
463 hackneyed
평범한(routine, stale, banal)
464 hamper
훼방 놓다(burden, encumber, restrain)
465 harass
희롱(위협, 공격)하다(beset, besiege, intimidate)
466 hazardous
위험한(risk, insecure)
467 heedless
부주의한(inattentive, imprudent)
468 herbivorous
초식의(vegetarian carnivorous)
469 heterogeneous
이종의(divergent, motley)
470 hibernate
동면하다(be latent)
471 hoard
저장하다(save up)
472 homogeneous
동종의, 같은 종류의
473 hortatory
권장(훈계)하는(exhorting, persuasive)
474 humdrum
평범(지루)(repetitious, tedious, prosaic)
475 hypocritical
476 hypothetical
가설()(supposed, assumed)
477 ignoble
천한(disreputable, despicable, vulgar)
478 imbue
에게 불어넣다(indoctrinate, infuse, instill)
479 immolate
으로 희생시키다(victimize, sacrifice)
480 immutable
불변의(unaltered, permanent, rigid)
481 impeach
탄핵(비난)하다(arraign, censure, inculpate)
482 impeccable
결점이 없는(untainted, innocent)
483 impecunious
돈이 없는(un moneyed)
484 impede
방해하다(block, interfere)
485 implicit
은연 중의, 맹목적인
486 improvise
즉흥으로 임시 변통하다(extemporize)
487 imprudent
사려심 없는(incautious, rash, indiscreet)
488 impugn
비난하다(censure, contradict, attack, berate)
489 inalienable
양도할 없는(inseparable, impartibly)
490 incarcerate
491 incense
화나게 하다, 향을 피우다(exasperate)
492 incompatible
상반된(disagreeing, inconsistent)
493 incongruity
부적당(illogicalness, inconsistency)
494 inculcate
알아듣도록 가르치다(indoctrinate, instill)
495 indigence
가난(mendicancy, destitution, privation)
496 indigenous
국산의(aboriginal, homebred)
497 indulgent
관대한(considerate, intemperate)
498 inept
맞지 않는(unintelligent, unskillful, awkward)
499 inevitable
피할 없는(unpreventable)
500 infantile
어린애 같은(juvenile, sophomoric, babyish)
501 infinitesimal
지극히 작은(microscopic, thin)
502 infirmity
허약(debility, ailment)
503 inflated
우쭐해진(boastful, bombastic, distended)
504 influx
유입(inflow, in pouring, inrush, influx ion)
505 infraction
위반(lawbreaking, overstepping)
506 ingenious
재능이 있는(inventive, canny, adroit)
507 ingenuous
솔직한(candid, naive, frank, gullible)
508 inherent
선천적인(instinctive, intrinsic, involuntary)
509 inhibit
금하다(confine, hinder, ban, bar, forbid)
510 initiate
처음 시작하다(install, introduce)
511 injurious
유해한(detrimental, hurtful, damaging)
512 innate
타고난(inherent, hereditary)
513 innocuous
결백한(un hurtful, in noxious)
514 innovation
혁신(novelty, coinage, originality)
515 inopportune
시기를 놓친(unseasonable)
516 inordinate
과도한(intemperate, fanatical)
517 insensate
감각이 없는(numb, insensible)
518 insolent
거만한(audacious, defiant, impenitent)
519 insolvent
파산한(penniless, impecunious, ruined)
520 insomnia
불면증(vigilance, sleeplessness)
521 instigate
부추기다(incite, prompt, abet, induce)
522 insubordinate
고분고분하지 않은(rebellious)
523 insubstantial
비현실적인(immaterial, bodiless)
524 insurrection
반란(revolt, insurgence, riot, outbreak)
525 integrate
통합하다(unify, mix, merge)
526 inter
매장하다(bury, inhume, in earth, inurn)
527 interminable
끝없는(ceaseless, boundless)
528 intermittent
529 intervene
사이에 들다(intrude, interfere)
530 intimate
친밀한, 암시하다(allude, insinuate)
531 intimidation
협박(bluster, coercion, menace)
532 introvert
내성적인 사람(private and withdrawn man)
533 intuition
직관(clairvoyance, hunch, ring)
534 inundate
범람시키다(drench, deluge)
535 invalidate
무효로 하다(annihilate, quash)
536 inverse
반대의(contrary, reverse, converse)
537 invoke
기원하다(beseech, entreat, implore, appeal)
538 invulnerable
불사신의(invincible, indomitable
539 iota
적은 (modicum, mite, faint degree, pittance)
540 irascible
성미 급한(irate, choleric, perverse, cranky)
541 ironic
비꼬는(sarcastic, mocking, sardonic)
542 irrevocable
결정적인(conclusive, irreversible)
543 jeopardy
위험(peril, hazard, endangerment)
544 jocose
우스꽝스러운(witty, humorous, jocular)
545 jubilation
환호(festivity, delight, exultation)
546 judicious
현명한(sagacious, sage, prudent)
547 juxtapose
병렬(stand in line, adjoin, abut)
548 laborious
노력이 요구되는(labored, strenuous)
549 laconic
간명한(concise, compact, short)
550 laggard
느린(dilatory, deliberate)
551 lament
슬퍼하다(deplore, bemoan)
552 languish
기운이 빠지다(deteriorate, sicken)
553 larceny
절도죄(lift, pinch, purloining, thievery)
554 lascivious
유혹적인(lecherous, amorous, desirous)
555 latent
숨어 있는(concealed, secret, underlying)
556 lateral
옆의(sided, sideward’s, sidelong, sideways)
557 laudatory
찬미의(commendatory, regardful)
558 lavish
아낌없는(prodigal, generous, profuse)
559 legacy
유산(bequest, inheritance, leftover)
560 lethal
치명적인(deadly, baneful, fatal)
561 levity
경솔(fickleness, inattention, whimsy)
562 liability
책임, 부채(obligation, burden, obstacle)
563 lineage
혈통(derivation, heredity, stock)
564 liquidate
청산하다(discharge, pay, dispose)
565 loiter
빈둥거리다(idle about, hover around, loll)
566 longevity
장수(span of life, macrobiotic, durability)
567 loquacious
많은(prolix, verbose, garrulous)
568 lucid
명쾌한(clear, intelligible)
569 lucrative
득이 되는,유리한(profitable, remunerative)
570 ludicrous
익살맞은(comic, funny, absurd ,preposterous)
571 luscious
감미로운(delicious, pleasant, tasty)
572 lustrous
번쩍이는(illustrious, luminous, gloss)
573 luxuriant
번성한(rampant, productive, florid)
574 magnanimity
도량(benevolence, goodwill, virtue)
575 magniloquent
허풍 떠는(flowery, sonorous)
576 magnitude
크기(amplitude, quantity, enormity)
577 maim
망쳐놓다(cripple, amputate, mangle, rend)
578 maladroit
서투른(unhandy, inept, awkward)
579 malediction
저주(malison, imprecation, curse)
580 mammoth
거대한(huge, immense, giant)
581 manacle
구속하다(fetter, shackle, put in chains)
582 mandatory
의무적인(required, commanding)
583 maniacal
광기의(rabid, frenzied)
584 manifest
명백한(obvious, visible, apparent, evident)
585 manifold
586 manipulate
손으로 조작하다(manage, ply)
587 manumit
해방시키다(liberate, unshackle, loose)
588 maritime
해안에 인접한(oceanic, marine)
589 marred
손상된(offender, wounded)
590 materialism
유물론(love of possessions)
591 maternal
어미의(doting, shielding paternal)
592 maxim
금언(axiom, dictum, motto, aphorism)
593 meager
부족한(paltry, slender, insubstantial)
594 meddlesome
침해하는(officious, meddling)
595 mediate
중재하다(reconcile, intervene, step in)
596 mediation
심사숙고(engrossment, contemplation)
597 medley
혼합(miscellany, sundries, variety)
598 meek
온순한(modest, mild, patient)
599 memorialize
기념하다(celebrate, imprint, monument)
600 mendacious
거짓의(untruthful, dishonest, forsworn)
601 mendicant
거지(moocher, bummer)
602 mercantile
상업의(commercial, trading, industrial)
603 mercurial
변덕스러운(capricious, inconstant)
604 merger
합병(amalgamation, coalition, mergence)
605 mesmerize
매혹하다(fascinate, enthrall, charm)
606 meticulous
세심한(scrupulous, precise, detailed)
607 migratory
배회하는(migrant, migrate)
608 minuscule
매우 작은(meager, scanty, petit, petty)
609 misanthrope
인류를 싫어하는 사람(man-hater)
610 misapprehension
611 miserly
인색한(parsimonious, selfish, ungenerous)
612 misgivings
의혹(anxiety, apprehension, foreboding)
613 mishap
사고(casualty, adversity, misadventure)
614 misogamy
결혼을 싫어하기(hatred of marriage)
615 mitigate
누그러뜨리다(extenuate, moderate)
616 mobile
움직일 있는(moving, stirring)
617 modish
유행하는(stylish, faddish, voguish, chic)
618 molecule
미립분자(atom, particle, corpuscular)
619 mollify
위로하다(pacify, soften, relieve)
620 molten
녹은(fused, melt able, fusible)
621 momentous
중요한(eventful, influential, crucial)
622 monarchy
군주국(dictatorship, despotism, tyranny)
623 monetary
금전의(pecuniary, nummary, financial)
624 monolithic
하나로 통제된(stiff, inflexible)
625 monotheism
626 monotony
단조로움(tedium, humdrum, dullness)
627 moratorium
628 moribund
죽어 가는(dying, fading, unhealthy, sickly)
629 mortician
장의사(funeral director, undertaker)
630 motility
운동성(mobility, locomotion)
631 multifarious
여러 형태의(manifold, diverse)
632 multiplicity
다양성(multifamily, numerousness)
633 mundane
세속적인(prosaic, terrestrial, profane)
634 munificent
대단히 후한(unselfish, bountiful)
635 muse
숙고하다(deliberate, mediate, mull)
636 mutable
변덕스러운(inconstant, irresolute)
637 myriad
무수함(plenty, immense number)
638 naiveté
천진함(ingenuousness, simplicity)
639 nebulous
흐린(murky, dark, dim, indistinct)
640 negation
부정(disproof, nonexistence)
641 negligence
무관심(indifference, unconcern)
642 neophyte
초심자(novice ,tyro, apprentice colt)
643 nexus
결합(link, bond, linkage, junction, tie)
644 niggardly
인색한(miserly, meager)
645 nocturnal
야행성인(nightlong) 낮의diurnal
646 nomadic
방황하는(roving, vagrant, vagabond)
647 nominal
명목상의(titular, official)
648 notoriety
악명(disgrace, dishonor, shame)
649 novelty
새로움(uniqueness, innovation)
650 nurture
교육하다(cherish, foster, nourish)
651 nutrient
영양분이 있는(nutritious, nutritive)
652 obese
비대한(corpulent, plump, stout)
653 objective
객관적인(equitable, impartial)
654 obligatory
의무적인(compulsory, mandatory)
655 obliterate
기억을 지우다(black out, expunge)
656 oblivion
망각(insensibility, forgetfulness)
657 obscure
애매모호한(faint, dim, shadowy)
658 obsolete
낡은(out of fashion, passe)
659 obstinate
완고한(obdurate, unyielding, inflexible)
660 odoriferous
향기 그윽한(sweet-scented)
661 offhand
662 officious
참견하기 좋아하는(impertinent)
663 ominous
664 omnipotent
전능한(godlike, sovereign)
665 omnipresent
어디든지 있는(prevalent)
666 omniscient
아는(all-wise, supereminent)
667 omnivorous
668 onerous
번거로운(distressing, oppressive)
669 optimist
낙천주의자(utopian, incurable romantic)
670 orthodox
정통적인(conventional, customary)
671 ostentatious
화려한(ornate, grandiloquent)
672 ostracize
추방하다(expel, shut out, oust)
673 outspoken
솔직 담백한(frank, candid, plain)
674 overt
분명한(obvious, naked)
675 painstaking
근면한(strenuous, scrupulous)
676 panacea
만병통치약(catholicon, elixir)
677 paradigm
전형적인 (criterion, paragon)
678 paradox
679 paragon
모범(archetype, exemplar, ideal)
680 paramount
최고의(preeminent, sovereign)
681 paraphrase
바꿔 쓰다(reword, rephrase)
682 parochial
편협한(parish, sectional, narrow-minded)
683 parody
익살(lampoon, burlesque)
684 partiality
편애(prejudice, slant, bias)
685 parvenu
686 patent
분명한(manifest, evident)
687 patronize~
688 pecuniary
금전적인(monetary, nummary)
689 pedagogue
교육자(instructor, educator)
690 penury
극도의 빈곤(pauperism, destitution)
691 perceptive
지각 있는(sensitive, keen)
692 perennial
여러 계속되는(constant, enduring)
693 perforate
관통하다(puncture, penetrate)
694 perfunctory
피상적인(cosmetic, offhand)
695 permeable
투과할 있는(pervious)
696 perpetrate
범하다(scandalize, offend)
697 perpetual
끊임없는(enduring, lasting)
698 perspicacious
통찰력 있는(perceptive)
699 pertinent
적절한(germane, appropriate, relevant)
700 pessimism
비관(gloom, despair)
701 petty
하찮은(slight, paltry, picayune)
702 pillage
강탈하다(despoil, seize, raid)
703 pious
신앙심 많은(reverent, worshipful, dedicated)
704 pithy
간결한, 힘찬(terse, succinct, expressive)
705 pivotal
중요한(fundamental, focal, decisive)
706 placate
위로하다(mollify, calm, appease)
707 placid
평온한(quiescent, still, composed)
708 plagiarize
표절하다(duplicate, copy, imitate)
709 plaintive
구슬픈(doleful, melancholy, moaning)
710 plausible
그럴듯한(probable, valid, credible)
711 plenitude
충만(sufficiency, repletion, plethora)
712 pliant
유순한(plastic, adaptable, supple, ductile)
713 pluck
용기(fortitude, mettle)
714 posterity
후손(progeny, offspring)
715 potential
잠재적인(probable, lurking, underlying)
716 practicable
실제적인(feasible, workable)
717 pragmatic
실제적인(expedient, down-to-earth)
718 precarious
719 precedent
앞서는(previous, prior)
720 precipice
721 precise
정확한( accurate, meticulous)
722 preclude
방해하다(hamper, hinder, forestall)
723 precocious
숙성한(mature, quick)
724 precursor
선구자(vanguard, harbinger)
725 predatory
726 pretentious
허세부리는(boastful, grandiloquent)
727 prevail
설득하다(reign, win over, persuade)
728 prevalent
널리 퍼진(rampant)
729 prevaricate
거짓말을 하다(perjure, deceive)
730 probe
탐색하다(investigate, scrutinize)
731 procrastinate
꾸물거리다(stall, defer, prolong)
732 procurement
획득(achievement, attainment)
733 prodigal
낭비하는(extravagant, profuse, lavish)
734 prodigious
거대한(vast, extraordinary)
735 profane
더럽히다(debase, abuse, defile)
736 profound
조예가 깊은(sage, sagacious)
737 profusion
통이 (profligacy, prodigality)
738 progenitor
조상(forefather, antecedents)
739 prognosticate
예언하다(foresee, foretell, soothsay)
740 prolific
다산의(fertile, fecund, teeming barren)
741 prolix
장황한(talkative, verbose, long-winded)
742 prone~
하기 쉬운(liable)
743 propellants
추진제(propeller, airscrew)
744 propensity
경향(aptitude, tendency, bent)
745 prophetic
예언의(predictive, presage)
746 proponent
제안자(propose, supporter)
747 propriety
타당성(aptness, seemliness)
748 propulsive
추진력 있는(propellant, pushing ahead)
749 prototype
원형(model, original)
750 protract
질질 끌다(lengthen, postpone)
751 provident
선견지명 있는(cautious, prudent)
752 provincial
지방의(territorial, regional, rustic)
753 provoke~
화나게 하다(enrage, anger)
754 proximity
근접(closeness, propinquity, vicinity)
755 prudent
분별 있는(sage, sapient, sensible)
756 pseudonym
필명(alias, anonym)
757 pugnacious
싸움하기 좋아하는(quarrelsome, warlike)
758 punitive
처벌의(retaliatory, chastising)
759 purloin
훔치다(thieve, pilfer, filch, make off with)
760 purport
의도(purpose, import, denotation)
761 pusillanimous
많은(timid, mean-spirited)
762 putative
추정의(assumed, presumptive)
763 pyromaniac
방화광(incendiary, arsonist)
764 quaint
별나게 재미있는(curious, unique, antiquated)
765 quell
진압하다(subdue, suppress)
766 quiescent
조용한(motionless, abeyant)
767 quintessence
본질, 정수(distillation, elixir)
768 rampant
만연하는(uncontrollable, immoderate)
769 ratify
비준하다(settle firmly, certify, confirm)
770 rationalization
합리화(logic, reasonableness)
771 ravage
강탈하다(crush, devastate, pillage)
772 recant
바꾸다, 취소하다(recall, rescind, retract)
773 recapitulate
요약하다(repeat, shorten, sum up)
774 receptive
감수성이 예민한(open-minded, accessible)
775 recession
후퇴(regression, surrender)
776 recipient
수령인(consignee, accepter)
777 reciprocal
778 recluse
은둔자(solitudinarian, solitary)
779 reconcile
화해시키다(propitiate, conciliate)
780 recondite
781 rectify
교정하다(mend, amend, redress, rebuild)
782 recuperate
회복하다(improve, convalesce)
783 redolent
향기로운(balmy, aromatic, perfumed)
784 redundant
남아도는(prolix, verbose, tautological)
785 refrain
삼가다(desist, restrain, hold off)
786 regeneration
갱생(conversion, revival, redemption)
787 regicide
국왕시해(tyrannicide, high treason)
788 rehabilitate
복원시키다(reclaim, restore)
789 reimburse
배상하다(redress, refund, indemnify)
790 reiterate
되풀이하다(iterate, rephrase, recapitulate)
791 rejuvenate
다시 젊게 하다(renew, freshen, refresh)
792 relegate
좌천시키다(discharge, surrender, exile)
793 relent
누그러지다(soften, slacken, yield, relax)
794 relevancy
적당(fitness, suitability, appropriateness)
795 relinquish
그만두다(renounce, forswear, forgo)
796 remediable
치료할 있는(amendable)
797 remiss
태만한(lazy, slack, derelict, undutiful)
798 remunerative
보수가 있는(gainful, advantageous)
799 rendezvous
800 renounce
포기하다(forsake, forgo, forswear)
801 renovate
새롭게 하다(rekindle, fix, revamp)
802 reparable
수선할 있는(curable, remediable)
803 repeal
취소하다(withdraw, nullify, invalidate, revoke)
804 repellent
쫓아버리는(nasty, kindless, invidious)
805 replete
충분한(glutted, satiated)
806 repository
저장소(depot, storage place)
807 repress
억누르다(check, suppress, bridle)
808 reprimand
꾸짖다(chide, condemn, reprehend)
809 reproach
비난(rebuke, condemnation, odium)
810 resigned
체념하는(reserved, submissive)
811 resolve
결심(resolution, decision)
812 respiration
호흡(respiratory action)
813 resumption
재개(resumption, recovery)
814 resurgent
소생하는(renascent, renewed)
815 resuscitate
소생시키다(renew, rekindle, reactivate)
816 retaliate
보복하다(avenge, requite, recompense)
817 reticent
말이 적은(taciturn, tacit)
818 retroactive
반동하는(regressive, retrospective)
819 retrograde
후퇴하다(retrocede, retroactive)
820 retrospective
회고하는(backward, retroactive)
821 reverent
숭배하는(courteous, admiring)
822 rife
유행하는(prevailing, overflowing)
823 rigor
엄함(strictness, austerity, harshness)
824 robust
건장한(sturdy, brawny, stalwart)
825 roseate
장미 빛의(plushy, aurora)
826 rudimentary
기본적인(initial, basal)
827 ruminate
곰곰이 생각하다(mull over, brood)
828 rummage
샅샅이 뒤지다(examine, delve into)
829 ruthless
무정한(implacable, merciless, grim)
830 sagacious
현명한(judicious, discerning)
831 salvage
구조하다(ransom, redeem, retrieve)
832 sanction~
인가하다(permit, endorse, authorize)
833 sarcasm
비꼼(irony, derision, contempt)
834 sardonic
냉소하는(caustic, sneering, mocking)
835 satiate
만족시키다(overstuff, glut, cloy)
836 satirical
풍자적인(derisive, sneering, sardonic)
837 savory
좋은(fragrant, wholesome, reputable)
838 scapegoat
남의 죄를 대신하는 사람(victim)
839 scrupulous
양심적인(exact, careful, honorable)
840 scrutinize~
면밀히 조사하다(scan, inquire into)
841 seasoned
경험()있는(trained, spiced, flavored)
842 secession
탈퇴(defection, apostasy, desertion)
843 seclusion
격리(retirement, exile, quarantine)
844 secrete
숨기다(conceal, keep under wraps)
845 secular
세속의(mundane, worldly, profane)
846 sedate
침착한(calm, quiet, serene, serious)
847 sedentary
앉아 있는(seated, inactive, inert)
848 sedition
소란(treason, disobedience)
849 semblance
유사(front, aspect, mien)
850 sensual
관능적인(earthly, lush, sensuous, lewd)
851 serenity
고요함(composure, moderation)
852 servile
노예의(obsequious, sordid, adject)
853 shun
피하다(evade, eschew, avoid)
854 simulate~
체하다(assume, counterfeit)
855 sinecure
한직(easy post, easy office)
856 singular
단일의(remarkable, marvelous)
857 sinister
악의 있는(wicked, ominous, portentous)
858 slacken
느슨해지다(slack, relax, release)
859 slander
중상(scandal, distortion, calumny)
860 slovenly
꾀죄죄한(unkempt, messy, sloppy)
861 sojourn
머무름(stopover, halt, visit, pause)
862 solemnity
엄숙(dignity, earnestness)
863 solicit
간청하다(beseech, petition, entreat)
864 soliloquy
865 somber
음산한, 컴컴한(grim, grave, melancholy)
866 somnambulist
몽유병자(nightwalker, noctambulist)
867 somnolent
졸린(somniferous, drowsy)
868 sonorous
울려 퍼지는(rotund)
869 sophomoric
미숙한(juvenile, childish)
870 soporific
잠오게 하는(sedative, sleepy)
871 specious
그럴듯한(plausible, seeming)
872 sporadic
산발적인(occasional, sparse, spotty)
873 squander
874 sagnant
흐르지 않는(stationary, inert)
875 stalwart
튼튼한(muscular, robust, sturdy)
876 static
정지하고 있는(stagnant, inert)
877 steadfast
확고한(steady, fixed, resolute)
878 stealth
은밀한 수법(clandestineness)
879 stem
저지하다(restrain, resist, halt, hinder)
880 stem from
일어나다(originate, rise, dawn)
881 stereotyped
판에 박힌(dull, indistinctive, routine)
882 stigma
치욕(blemish, shame, stain)
883 stringent
엄격한(veracious, strict, harsh)
884 subjective
주관적인(intrinsic, mental)
885 submissive
복종하는(obedient, compliant, pliant)
886 subside
가라앉다(sag, wane, lessen, abate)
887 subsidiary
보조의(supplementary, auxiliary)
888 subsidy
보조금(sponsoring, support, subvention)
889 substantive
실질적인(requisite, solid, definite)
890 subterfuge
핑계(cheat, dupery, trickery)
891 subtlety
예민(acuteness, shrewdness, accuracy)
892 succinct
간결한(neat, concise, terse, pithy)
893 succulent
즙이 많은(sappy)
894 succumb~
굴복하다(surrender, submit)
895 suffuse
퍼지다(imbue, steep, invest)
896 summation
합계(aggregate, total, recapitulation)
897 superficial
외양적인(external, outward)
898 superfluous
과잉의(redundant, excess, surplus)
899 superimpose
첨가하다(attach, append)
900 supersede
대신하다(supplant, displace)
901 supplicate
간청하다(beseech, solicit)
902 supposition
가정(presumption, guess)
903 surmise
추측하다(presume, suspect, assume)
904 surmount
극복하다(get over, defect, conquer)
905 surpass~
능가하다(outdo, excel, go beyond)
906 surreptitious
비밀의(furtive, covert, clandestine)
907 surveillance
감시(scrutiny, lookout, vigilance)
908 susceptible
감수성이 강한(sensitive, responsive)
909 sustain
밑에서 받치다(hold, back, bear, abet)
910 symbiosis
공생(mutualism, commercialism)
911 synthesis
종합(union, combination, incorporation)
912 synthetic
인조의(manmade, manufactured)
913 tainted
더러워진(blemished, diseased, soiled)
914 tangential
915 tantalize
집적거리다(bait, hugger, harass)
916 tantamount
동등한 가치가 있는(alike, selfsame)
917 tautological
동의어의(redundant, pleonastic)
918 tenacious
고집스러운(clinging, obstinate)
919 tentative
임시적인(trial, unsettled, speculative)
920 tenuous
얇은(slender, attenuated, flimsy)
921 tepid
922 terminate
끝내다(conclude, complete)
923 terrestrial
지구상의(mundane, secular, tellurian)
924 terse
간결한(compact, succinct, brief, neat)
925 therapeutic
치료상의(corrective, medicinal, healing)
926 thermal
열의(tropical, warm, toasty)
927 thrifty
절약하는(frugal, sparing, tightfisted)
928 thrive
번영하다(get on, wax, bloom, fatten)
929 throng
군중(crush, mob, rout, horde, mass)
930 thwart
방해하다(balk, checkmate, dash, hinder)
931 timorous
많은(timid, spineless, cowardly)
932 tirade
장광설(rant, harangue, condemnation)
933 titanic
거대한(colossal, enormous, cyclopean)
934 tortuous
비틀린(serpentine, snaky, sinuous)
935 touchstone
시금석(gauge, standard, barometer)
936 toxic
독이 있는(harmful, mephitic, venomous)
937 tractable
유순한(biddable, manageable, pliable)
938 traduce
비방하다(libel, betray, asperse, slander)
939 tranquility
고요(quiescence, composure)
940 transcend
초월하다(outstrip, outdo, overstep)
941 transcribe
베끼다(translate, transliterate, clone)
942 transgression
위반(misdeed, overstepping)
943 transient
일시적인(evanescent, impermanent)
944 transmute
바꾸다(mutate, denature, alter)
945 transparent
투명한(translucent, plain, flimsy)
946 traumatic
폭력에 피해 입은(wounded, shocking)
947 traverse
가로지르다(pass through, cross)
948 tremor
전율(quaver, shudder, quake, shiver)
949 trite
흔해빠진(stale, common, ordinary, banal)
950 truism
자명한 이치(troth ,axiom, cliche, platitude)
951 turmoil
혼란(chaos, tumult)
952 tycoon
실업계의 거두(magnate, maverick, mogul)
953 tyranny
폭정(despotism, cruel authority)
954 ubiquitous
도처에 모습을 나타내는(universal)
955 ulterior
표면에 나타나지 않음(cryptic, obscure)
956 ultimatum
최후 통첩(final note)
957 unanimity
만장일치(accord, consensus, unison)
958 undermine~
기초를 위태롭게 하다(enfeeble)
959 unearthly
섬뜩한(awesome, uncanny, mysterious)
960 unfledged
미숙한(green, childish, puerile, callow)
961 unilateral
일방적인(flanked, lopsided)
962 unimpeachable
비난할 없는(impeccable)
963 unique
하나뿐인(distinctive, unequaled)
964 universal
전체의(whole, general, involving)
965 unsightly
볼품없는(unseemly ,ungainly , distasteful)
966 unwonted
익숙하지 않은(rare, atypical)
967 upbraid
꾸짖다(berate, rebuke, reprove, reprimand)
968 urbane
우아한(affable, polite, sophisticated rustic)
969 vacuous
(bare, superficial)
970 valedictory
고별의(parting, departing, leaving)
971 valid
정당한(just, substantial, cogent)
972 valor
용기(gallantry, mettle, intrepidity)
973 vehement
격렬한(acrimonious, violent, intense)
974 velocity
빠르기(swiftness, celerity, throttle)
975 venerable
존경할 만한(majestic, dignified)
976 venturesome
모험을 좋아하는(adventurous, daring)
977 venue
행위의 현장(spot, scene of a crime)
978 veracious
진실을 이야기하는(actual, authenticated)
979 verbalize~
말로 나타내다(express, represent)
980 verbose
말수가 많은(grandiloquent)
981 vicarious
대리를 하는(substitute, alternate)
982 vilify
훼손하다(blaspheme, defame, stigmatize)
983 vindictive
앙심을 품은(malign, spiteful, implacable)
984 virtual
사실상의(essential, substantial, practical)
985 virtue
미덕(righteousness, probity, integrity)
986 viscid
끈끈한(ropy, gummy, viscous)
987 vivacious
활기 있는(exuberant, brisk, energetic)
988 vivisection
생체해부(necroscopy, autopsy)
989 vociferous
시끄러운(blatant, boisterous, shrill)
990 vogue
유행(trend, mode, fashion)
991 volition
의욕(will, discretion)
992 voluble
달변의(talkative, loquacious)
993 voracious
식욕이 왕성한(devouring, ravenously)
994 waive
보류하다(resign, remit, demit, abandon)
995 weather
폭풍을 이겨내다(tolerate, bear, suffer)
996 windfall
뜻밖의 횡재(serendipity ,unexpected gain, trove)
997 winsome
매력 있는(lovable, attractive, charming)
998 wrath
분노(rage, indignation, vexation)
999 yield
산출(production, output, harvest)
1000 zenith
()()(pinnacle, acme, apogee, apex)